Browser and Device Support

Version 1.1
Date: 25 January 2024
This document applies to any development by Clock that is deployed as website or as a native application on iOS and / or Android:
  • For Websites, see the Browser section for which browsers are supported and on what operating systems / platforms
  • For native apps on iOS and / or Android, see the Devices section for specific phone and software levels
  • For applications which have agreed Google Cast or AirPlay support, please see the relevant sections
1: Browsers
We endeavour to ensure our sites work as expected in all modern browsers. The browser automatic upgrade process ensures that the majority of users will be using the latest versions. As a result of this, we test each in their current major release, and one version prior.

All browsers have varying levels of support for advanced features such as CSS animation and HTML5 APIs. Where possible, we will provide suitable fallbacks for browsers which don’t support these features.

Most projects have a reliance on JavaScript and assume that users have this feature enabled. This allows for dynamic features such as slideshows, tabbed elements, and live data manipulation.

Furthermore, due to the wide range of ways in which users are able to customise their browsing experience and the differing ways these are handled across all browsers, we only ever test at 100% browser zoom.
Extended Support
We can extend support for specific browsers and devices on an ad-hoc per-client basis.
Older Versions of Supported Browsers
The browsers and devices listed are the versions we actively test in and maintain the codebase for. Older versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge should behave as expected but may contain minor functional or visual differences.
Third Party Browser Apps
Browsers such as Chrome or Opera Mini for iOS, Firefox for Android, or in-app browsers are not covered in the scope of our standard support list. Whilst these should work as expected, we can offer extended support to test projects using these browsers. Due to the large range of third-party browsers available, feature support may vary per-browser.
Operating System Variants and Versions
We assume that the supported versions of the outlined browsers behave identically on all versions of an operating system or device - i.e. we expect Chrome 41 to behave the same on Windows 11 and Windows 7, as we expect Safari 15.6.x to behave the same on any iPhone with iOS 16.x installed on it.

We only test on the latest versions of these operating systems however.
Desktop Browsers Support
Mobile Browsers Support

Latest Versions refers to the latest stable version and the version immediately before that.
We endeavour to ensure our apps work as expected on both Android and iOS. The general version release cycle for each platform varies - with iOS devices usually having automatic updates whereas vendors are responsible, but not obliged, to release new versions of Android.

This software variation introduces a substantial amount of support burden, but the Android device variation increases this.

As such, currently we build and test for a variety of flagship devices running the latest versions of operating systems available for those flagships. We are however limited by the support provided by our development tools.
Apple Support
We currently support iOS 16.0 or newer and all devices that are officially supported by Apple to run it.
Android Support
Android 9.0 (API 28) or newer.
Underlying Application Support
While the officially supported versions are listed above, the underlying application, utilising no features of newer operating systems, can support iOS 12.4 and Android 5.0 (API 21) or newer.
Google Cast/ChromeCasting is a popular way to stream video and audio from devices to TVs, sound systems and other supported devices. We implement Google Cast using the Google Cast SDK or appropriate abstraction for each device platform and we endeavour to ensure a successful and performant casting experience. However, casting requires correct implementation on both the casting and receiving device, meaning we are unable to guarantee a successful casting journey where incorrect implementation or bugs may exist on the receiving device.
We use the latest official Google Chromecast devices as a benchmark for correct implementation of receiving devices and therefore support these. At time of writing these supported devices are the 4th generation Google Chromecasts:
  • Chromecast with Google TV (4K)
  • Chromecast with Google TV (HD)
4: AirPlay
AirPlay is a popular way to stream video and audio from Apple devices to TVs, sound systems and other supported devices. We implement AirPlay as described by Apple or via an appropriate abstraction and we endeavour to ensure a successful and performant experience. However, AirPlay requires correct implementation on both the AirPlaying device and receiving device, meaning we are unable to guarantee a successful AirPlay journey where incorrect implementation or bugs may exist on the receiving device.
Apple maintains a list of approved AirPlay devices here, which makes a successful AirPlay journey extremely likely for these specific devices. However the great number of devices mean we are unable to offer specific support for all of these devices and instead offer support for the latest official Apple products.